- Is India moving away from a secularist state?
- Education in India - or the lack of it
- What ails Indian sports?
- The Age of Information
- Is Philosophy just an armchair theory?
- Success is all about human relations
- Borderless worlds - Dream or reality?
- Quality is a myth in India.
- Education and success - Is there a correlation?
- We don't learn from history, we repeat it
- Do we need a global policeman
- Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
- Agrarian Economy in India - boon or bane
- if there were no armies in the world......
- Indian customs - are we in a time warp?
- "How green was my valley........". Is nature paying the price ?
- Management Education - Is it necessary to succeed in business
- The role of NGOs in economics and politics
- NGOs - Do they serve peoples interests or are they pressure groups?
- Death of Socialism
- Role of women in development
- Kids today are not what they used to be
- Casteless India - A pipe dream
- Should Trade Unionism be banned in India
- Repeated elections - Should taxpayers pay for it?
- Indian bureaucracy - foundation strengths or colonial hangovers?
- In India, the whole is less than the parts - Do we lack in team spirit?
- Generation X - Drivers of our future or are they our lost souls?
- Do we need a cut in the defence budget?
- "" companies - Is there room for everyone?
- Artificial Intelligence - Will man be ever replaced by machines?
- if I were to choose my person of the millennium...
- All the world is a stage....
- when managers become Hamlets...
- If Patel were our first Prime Minister.......
- Materialism - Have we sold our souls to the Devil?
- You've come a long way, baby - The rise and rise of feminist power.
- Role of ethics in tobacco industry, liquor industry etc.
- Should gambling be legalised in India?
- Are we unfit for Democracy?
- Survival tools for the new millennium
- Examinations - has it killed education
- Cultural Invasion through the air waves
- Should doctors be tried in Consumer Courts
- Abortion and Euthanasia - Is it morally right for society
- Are beauty pageants necessary?
- The relevance of Gandhism today
- India and the WTO
- Did India handle the hijack issue properly?
- Is E-Commerce the best thing for India
- Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never
match those learnt from experience - Democracy is hampering India progress
- MBA in India is highly overrated.
- Religion is a private affair and should be of no concern for the state
- Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour