Do you think organization can be successful just by their marketing strategies and other edge they have over their competition? Definitely not, there is more to it. Everybody would agree that people are the foremost asset of any organization. If you agree to this point then it is necessary to have a management team that deals with the important asset, the people. The efficiency
of that HR department is reflected in the business too. Most of the top management agrees to it.
Each and every employee has to contribute individually and also collectively to the success of the organization. At the low level they have to contribute to a goal. To make them contribute the human resource management team has to work harder. It is found that the contribution of an employee is low when they do not know what they are doing.
Lack of knowledge on a particular process or technology, leads to low productivity
in the organization. The human resource department should identify such employees and train them in the necessary skills. They should also know the individual and group psychology to deal such employees in the organization.
The HR management team should attract the right talent to their organization, give appropriate compensation, retain them and also develop them to meet the current and future organizational goals. The HR management team is dedicated to this work round the clock. Without them it is not possible to have the right team to execute projects. They need
to keep track of the skill acquired by the employees during their tenure in the organization and deploy them for the right projects.
The employees need to be properly trained and motivated by the human resource management team. The ethical policies should be communicated to them at the right time and the problems
in the organization should be revealed to get the right solution from them. Thus they should make the employees work more efficiently to meet the organization’s goal.