1) Which is the most expensive domain name to be auctioned on the net till date? for $8 mln [4.3 m pounds]
2) Why a name as queer as had a price tag of 3+ million dollars?
While Compaq owned the AltaVista technology some Marshall guy owned the domain name.
So the sale was a settlement of a long-standing dispute between the 2 parties. In 1998, it was the highest recorded amt paid for a domain name, when digital owned AltaVista, the web add for it was
[It was developed by Digital Corp. in 1995 then sold to Compaq. Now it's a part of overture (which recently discovered is a part of yahoo!) AltaVista means view from above, WAS sold3.3mil$]
3) What was Bill Gate's and Paul Allen's SAT score?
Paul Allen: 1600, which was considered to be all-perfect.
Bill Gate: 1590
Bill Gate: 1590
4) Which school did Larry Ellison go to? When did he start Oracle?
Ellison went to Univ of Chicago, dropped out after one semester. Also had gone to UIC, dropped out from there too... Oracle started of a CIA project in 1977. Ellison was 33 then. Oracle - 1978
5) Which company did Adobe buy recently and for how much?
Macromedia for $ 4 billion
6) Who founded Adobe along with John and when?
December 1982, John Warnock and Charles Geschke
7) Which Univ did Jhon study from
Univ of Utah (BS,MS,PhD )
8) Where is Adobe's HQ and India center?
Headquarters: San Jose, California and India office at Noida
9) Why did founders named Adobe so?
Name of the river “Adobe Creek” that ran behind John's house
10) ‘Corporated Incorporated' and 'Limited Unlimited' were names considered but not adopted. What was finally adopted ?
11) What was HP's first product? When?
Audio oscillator. (1938)
Audio oscillator. (1938)
12) Who is Andy Grove?
Intel CEO
13) What is the old name of 3i InfoTech? what does it 3 I stands for?
ICICI InfoTech is the old name
14) What is the consulting firm recently (not very recent) acquired by the electronics giant Hewlett-Packard?
Price Waterhouse Coopers
Price Waterhouse Coopers
15) Which online matrimony site was founded by J. Murugavel, who himself found his wife through the Internet.
16) Which new Mac. OS introduced by APPLE?
17) What was IBM nicknamed as in 1960's?Why?
Big Blue, Due to its big size and blue color. Also the color of the it's employees uniform, was of blue color and they seemed to be present at most of the places. From original word. Big Brother
18) Founder of 6-sigma methodology?
Motorola - actually brought in the practice
GE - developed n established it professionally
19) Finally MS has launched what’s seen as life threat to Adobe. What’s it
Metro. To be launched as part of Windows Longhorn. (Metro was Acrobat's code name in dev stages)
20) Hewlett & Packard, the founders, were very particular about the quality to be perfect.
When Carly was hired, she changed that to ..... (give name of what it is called)
Adopt and Go. Keep the winners and ditch the losers
21) HP - Compaq merger was challenged in court by one of the largest shareholders of HP, Who was the guy? (He lost of course)
Walter Hewlett, Son of Bill Hewlett
22) What was Accenture previously known as??
Andersen Consulting
23) What is the name of the annual newsletter that Microsoft publishes?
10 Great Mistakes That Microsoft Did
10 Great Mistakes That Microsoft Did
24) Expand WIPRO.
West Indian Vegetable Products Ltd
25) HP developed a programming language as competitor to Java. What did they name it?
HP Chai
HP Chai
26) How did Apple have its name?
Actually, when Steve had to register the company name, he repeatedly asked the partners to come up with some good name or else he will register it with whatever comes in his mind. However, no one came up with any name till noon. When he was going for registration, he saw someone eating apple during break and that struck his mind. Hence, he registered company with same name and kept the same half bite apple as its symbol. (Read it long back on some article about how some famous company got their names).
27) What is the personal finance software that competes with MS Money and gives it a run for its money? This is one of the very few companies/products that have taken Microsoft on and survived to tell the tale.
28) Who is "Hughes" in "Hughes Software" (Think skywards)?
Howard Hughes. [He created several companies in his lifetime, an offshoot of one was Hughes
28) Who is "Hughes" in "Hughes Software" (Think skywards)?
Howard Hughes. [He created several companies in his lifetime, an offshoot of one was Hughes
Networks. Hughes Software is primarily owned by Hughes Networks.]
29) What is the full form of YAHOO!
Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
[For Google : The company formed was called GOOGOL (derived from Googlplex). However the first contract cheque that the founders received was for GOOGLE. Hence the company came to be known as GOOGLE.]
30) Largest BPO in India? 2nd largest?
Largest -WNS Global Services, 2 largest- Spectramind
31) Name the person who pioneered Macintosh.
Steve Jobbs, Steve Wozniak
Steve Jobbs, Steve Wozniak
32) Whose designed computer in garage took the world by storm?
Steve Jobbs, Steve Wozniak
33) ‘India's Online Marketplace' is now ...?
Ebay India(formerly
34) Which country has the domain name ".ch"?
Switzerland [ its after the Latin name for Switzerland Confoederatio Helvetica (CH)]
35) When MIT graduate Ray Tomlinson showed his invention to one of his colleagues he also told him: "Don’t tell anyone I did this! This is not what we are supposed to be working on." What did Tomilson invent?
Email... [Ray Tomilson invented email and also popularized the '@' sign for email addresses.]
36) Connect: Microsoft, Garry Kasparov & Irina Krush.
World Internet chess championship
World Internet chess championship
[ In 1999, a 'Kasparov vs. The World' chess match was held on Although anybody in the world could suggest a move, literally the entire world went by teenage prodigy Irina Krush's (15 yrs.) choice of moves.]
37) Who coined the term "Information Superhighway"?
Al gore Former US Vice-President
Al gore Former US Vice-President
38) Which famous software personality once admitted on the David Letterman show in the US that he modified his school time-table program so that all girls would be in his class at any given time?
Bill gates
Bill gates
39) What major technology was developed by European telecom major Ericsson in 1999?
How did the technology get its name?
Blue tooth. Ericsson named the technology after Danish king Harald Blatand, better known
As Harald Blue tooth. The king gad a great desire for blueberries due to which his teeth would always remain blue & hence the nickname.
40) Which Internet term originally meant "harmless, creative fun"?
41) US firm that I-flex bought last year?
42) What is i-flex core banking solution platform called?
42) What is i-flex core banking solution platform called?
43) Which international software company has got so many Indians that it has got a special
Indian cafeteria?
44) World's richest bachelor is
Larry Ellison
[ According to Forbes, the richest bachelors(and hence the most eligible also) are Sergey Brin(31) and Larry Page(32), the famed 'google boys'. Each of them is worth $7.2 billion.
and Lawrence Ellison(Oracle) is married with 2 kids.]
and Lawrence Ellison(Oracle) is married with 2 kids.]
45) Which Indian started his company on 3rd floor apartment at 10 St Paul Street,
Cambridge Massachusetts? His wife was his first employee and the year was 1972.
Narendra K Patni
46) Infosys has decided to make a Public Offering Without Listing in----
47) Which computer Firm also manufactured clocks ?
[From the close of the 19th century through 1958, IBM and its predecessors manufactured and sold a wide variety of devices and systems to record, use, transmit and display time. The International Time Recording Company, makers of all types of timekeeping systems, was made a division of the IBM Corporation . IBM sold the Time Equipment Division to Simplex in 1958.]
48) What is common to a cursor, Dynamic RAM ( DRAM) , Floppy Disk and RISC
architecture ?
[IBM invented many of the core technologies used in all forms of computing, including the first hard disk drive and the Winchester hard disk drive, the cursor (on computer screens), Dynamic RAM (DRAM), the relational database, Thin Film recording heads, RISC architecture, the Scanning Tunneling Microscope, and the floppy disk. The infamous Control-Alt-Delete keystroke (Bradly, 2001: "I invented it, but it was Bill that made it famous"), also invented at IBM, is still frequently used on PCs running Windows operating systems.]
49) What is the full form of Intel?
Integrated Electronics
50) Who is the famous brother in law of Gururaj Deshpande, the promoter of sycamore
N R Narayana Murthy
51) Who is the chairman & CEO of i2 Technologies?
Founder-Chairman of i2 Technologies - Sanjiv Sidhu
52) Which Indian played a lead role in the development of the Pentium Chip for Intel and
also the K6 chip for AMD?
Vinod Dham (he's from DCE)
53) What designation the founders of Yahoo have? Also, name the founders.
David Filo and Jerry Young designation is Chief Yahoo!
54) Cool was codename for what. It was from a major software company based in
Washington State, US.
Cool is C# by Microsoft
Cool is C# by Microsoft
55) According to CNN, Internet, Cell phone, PC and Fiber Optics come at 1,2,3, and 4 in the
Top 25 innovations in the technical world . Which innovation occupies the 5th position?
56) What was coined on June 12, 1995 in an e-mail sent by a 52-year old Massachusetts
Programmer named David Eddy. He later said, "People were calling it CDC and Faddle.
There were other contenders. It just came off my fingertips." What am I referring to?
57) IBM BCS bought which consulting major?
PriceWater Coopers PWC
58) Addition of “N” ; in the European version of Windows XP ; i.e. XPN signifies –
it means Not included with windows media player.
59) At CEBIT-05 which company had it’s theme as “Heart of Technology”
it means Not included with windows media player.
59) At CEBIT-05 which company had it’s theme as “Heart of Technology”
60) Which Indian businessman was part of the design team at Intel that designed the Intel
80486 microprocessor?
Rajeev Chandrasekhar of BPL
Rajeev Chandrasekhar of BPL
61) Which university did Bill Gates drop out before establishing Microsoft ?
62) When Carly Fiorina joined HP, she started the campaign to renovate its image. What
Exactly did she do?
It was a video campaign showing the garage where Hewlett& Packard first made that oscillator,
And then showing her in front of it