Business Quiz Questions with Answers on International Business

International Business

1) Which is the world's biggest mutual fund company?

2) Name the CEO who is responsible for moving 3G mobile phones in the market. Hint: the
    company is Vodafone.
    Paul Donovan

3) Which major US company at one time filed for bankruptcy as a result for a suit brought
     against it by Pennzoil?

4) Of which company was Richard Cheney , the CEO?
    Halliburton Co.

5) Former name of Exxon Mobil? Who owned it? what was the parent company's name??
     Previous Company: Standard Oil And John D. Rockefeller in order
     Parent Company: ESSO
6) Which top Bschool rejected Warren Buffett and Why? Which one accepted him?
    Harvard (because he was too young) accepted by Columbia

7) where were the stock exchanges first established?
    Amsterdam Stock Exchange , Antwerp

8) Which company owns the brand name Equal?

9) Which is the world's largest Spirit's co now?

10) Which company refers to its hometown as: "This is the sweetest place on earth".
      Also name the hometown?
Hershey Park, Its in Pennsylvania

11) What is the Appropriation bill?
      The appropriation bill is the green signal to enable the government to withdraw money from the  
      Consolidated Fund to pay off expenses..

12) What is Calpers?
     California Association of Pensioners- one of the biggest investors the world over as they handle
     the pension money of all California employees

13) What is a golden parachute?
It’s done specifically keeping in mind mergers or takeover of the co. i.e. if the co. is to be 
       merged or taken over the CEO may not keep his job so in his contract there is a provision for
       his financial settlement in such a case

14) What was Visa International known as before 1976?

15) What is transfer pricing?
      The practice that multinational enterprises adopt of organizing their accounting practices so as
       to declare high incomes and profits in geographical areas with low taxation rates

16) Another big wig, had shown a rabbit under crosshair with ad line: we r going rabbit
      hunting. Which comp are we talking about?

17) For Interactive Marketing , CNN has tied up hands with which coffee chain?

18) What redoubtable Swiss watchmaker markets a range of metal-cased watches under a
     clever and ironic name of "Irony"?

19) What did the Buttonwood Agreement (1811) lead to?
      NYSE was formed because of this agreement by brokers of NY

19)     What was first listing on NYSE?
      Bank of New York

21) Adidas has launched the world's first intelligent running shoe? What's it called?
      Adidas 1.[Rs 12990 shoe. It can do 50,000 calculations per second]

22)  Which company claims to be the World's 2nd largest appliance maker ?

23) With which Worldwide Advertising Agency would you associate the concept of
      “Disruptive Approach”?
TBWA (Trevor Beatie Worldwide Associates)
24) Jorma Olilla is the CEO of which famous company?
     Chairman & CEO Nokia Group

25) It is known as Venture in South Africa, in India it is known as---?
     Toyota Qualis [also known as Unser in Malaysia, Zace in Taiwan, Tamaro in Philippines]

26) Which company boasts of having fitted it's optical lens in the camera that took
      photographs of Neil Armstrong when he first landed on the moon?
Carl Zeiss , lens was Ziess 60mm & Camera Hassleblad 500 ELM

27) Which company invented the cell phone?
      Motorola & inventor was Martin Cooper

28) first U.S. company to reach revenues of $1 billion without merger or acquisition?
      Federal Express(FedEx) in 1983

29) who started the Wall Street Journal and when?
Charles Dow and Edward Jones in 1889

30) ING-VYASA - Indian collaboration ING-???? - German collaboration

31) CEO of Wall Mart?
      John B Menzer

32) World's largest producer of canned butter?
Ballantyne Foods, Sweden

33) Which is said to be the world's biggest mobile phone company by users?
China Mobile Ltd.

34) which company shifted to its acronym because of the negative connotations 
      attached to its middle name?

35) What was the earlier name of Nokia?
      Finnish Rubber Works [Well the genesis of the telecommunications business was Finnish Cable Works...though the co itself was originally established as Nokia in 1865.]

36) In which year was the term 'Silicon Valley' first used?
In 1971, in the magazine Electronic News

37) What is nicknamed as "The Great Lady of 43rd Street"?
New York Times

38) Which company was recently in news for coming up with a self-heating coffee can?  
      Who made that coffee can?
OnTech [California based company, It took more than 7 years & 24 million dollars to come up
      with that self-heating can. The discoverer was an LA based chef called Wolfgang Puck. The 
      can will uses a chemical reaction to heat the coffee to a pleasant 145 degrees in six minutes. 
      The can will be priced at $2.25 only for 10 Oz. of coffee]

39) Current chairman of Nokia---
Jorma Ollila

40) Which 1976 Nobel Prize winner for economics coined the slogan "There is no such thing
      as a free lunch"
      Milton Friedman

41) Which is the oldest stock exchange in the world. which year?
      Antwerp Stock Exchange in Belgium.1460, Under King Philip [traded basically in financial
      securities such as bonds!!]

42) In which country is Bandung located. people may recall that this city was the host to
      Conference of African and Asian countries, which led to establishment of NAM?

43) What does ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 signify? How is it different from six-sigma?
  ISO 9000-Quality Management Standards
  ISO 14000-Environment Managmnt Standards
 [They are certificates awarded by International Org for Standardization. These are just 
 where as Six-Sigma emphasizes on increasing productivity and profitability.
       [6 sigma pertains to error free process (some six defects per million.. e.g. mumbai dabawalla)]

44) Which country is the largest consumer of Nuclear Power based upon percentage?
      France [their %age consumption of nuclear power relative to total power generation is the
      highest in the world]

45) "Success is a lousy teacher "- Who said so in " The Road ahead " ?
" Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." Bill Gates 
         said so in his book " The road ahead"

46) First Elevator(aka Lift) were created by which company ?
OTIS [Elisha Otis invented a safety device for hoisting machinery ]

47) First minister for Corporate Social Responsibility was appointed in which country?

48) Which company markets Tommy Hilfiger in India? Which group owns the same 
      company? Name some other brands of the company.
     Tommy H is marketed by Arvind mills owned by Lalbhai Group. Other major brands from Arvind  
     Mills are - LEE, Wrangler, and Arrow.etc

49) What “OBJECT” was named by Time magazine as the ‘Man of the year’ in 1982?
     Computer  [it is the only non human to feature on the front page of TIME magazine.]

50) which company is the highest producer of steel in the world? which company is No.2?
      No1 is Mittal Steel Co. and no2 is Arcelor

51) Name the countries to which the following companies originally belong to!?
1. Volvo                         Sweden
2. Hutch                                    Hongkong
3. Philips                      Holland
4. Haier                         China
5. TCL                           China
6. Ericsson                   Sweden
7. Bata               Czech Republic
8. Rover           UK
9. Peugeot       France
10. Michelin                             France
11. Bridgestone           Japan
12. BenQ                      Taiwan [BanQ’s original name was Acer]
13. Pantech                 South Korea
14. Moser Baer            India
15. Amkette                  India
16. De Beers                South Africa

52) In which year was the button wood agreement signed? What did it lead to?
       1792.New york Stock Exchange

53) The first listed company in NYSE?
      Bank of New York, traded under the Buttonwood Tree, 1792.

54) The first foreign company listed in NYSE?

55) Who was the first American to make $100m a year?
      Al Capone

What is the capacity of a 'barrel' as commonly referenced for crude oil production
      42 gallons (35 UK gallons = 42 US gallons = 159 litres)

57) Duracell Battery is an arm of which company?
Gillete [Now P & G acquire Gillete, that’s why Duracell is under P & G]

58) Which magazine was co-founded by Henry Luce and Britton Hadden in 1923?

59) Which magazine used the ad line “We’re Going Rabbit Hunting” with a sharp
      tongue in cheek reference to Play boy bunnies?

60) Which financial company has the motto in utmost Good Faith?
Lloyds Insurance

61) Which business magnate owns the Miss Universe pageant along with CBS TV?
      Donald Trump

62) Which business magnate owns the world's largest private yatch brought from the Sultan
      of Brunei?
      Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid al-Maktoum,  the crown prince of Dubai.

63) This product is manufactured only by one company - The Mysore Paints & Varnishes  
Voter's Indelible Ink

64) Which brand created a sensation by sticking a Ford Cortina to a billboard at a busy  
       junction in London?

65) To which company did the shipment of tea destroyed by the American colonists during 
       the Boston Tea Party in 1773 belong?
East India Company

66) When Henry Ford died, amongst his last possessions was a test tube. What did it
      supposedly contain?
       Last breath of Edison

67) According to PWC & Financial Express which company was voted as the most
     respected company for fourth decade?
General Electric

68) What has been voted by the "Advertising Age" as the marketing icon of the 20th 
Marlboro man

69) Which brilliant inventor & businessman kill himself leaving a note that said "Why Wait"?
      George Eastman Kodak fame

70) 'Dell computers' is the client of which advertising company?
       Origin design

71) Headquarters for 'Johnson & Johnson' ?
       New Brunswick, New Jersey

72) Which British company made UK's first mobile call at a few minutes past midnight on
      1st of January 1985?

73) Brands 'rodeo', 'axiom', 'sport', and ‘trooper’ belong to which automobile company?

74) Which international corporate has 42 dots in its logo?

75) Which brands are associated with the logos known as "Dynamic Vector" and "Stripes"?
      Adidas (Dynamic Vector) n Reebok (Stripes)

76) Which GM subdivision provides financing?
      GMAC - A is for acceptance, was setup in early 1900s to help dealers with finance.

77) Which is the world's 2nd largest selling English daily?
 [ TOI is the largest circulating English language Broadsheet paper and not newspaper per se.. The Sun with a circulation of 4 mill. a day and Daily Mail with 3 mill. are way ahead of TOI's 2.4 million copies. So in the context of the question, the answer might be Daily Mail.]

78) which is the world's fastest four-door sedan?(was in news recently)
Bentley Continental Flying Spur which was recently launched is New Delhi

79) Which company entered the mass markets for soaps in Bangladesh by acquiring
      Camelia and Magnolia brands?

80) Famous Energy Drink by Otsuka pharma company ?
Pocari Sweat

81) Which international Ad-guru would you associate with the conservative Party of UK ?
Moris Sachi

82) Gentlemen named Erwin Komunda, designed what famous product of Automobiles ?

83) Which famous man, was a stock broker for Henry Hoggets ?
Sir Don Bradman

84) Brand in Japanese, means “Ripening the Rice Fields” ?

85) in Pakistan it is called Meheran, what is it called in India ?
Maruti 800

86) who bought Manchester United? at what price?
      Malcolm Glazer - 790million pounds

87) which team does this person already own?
     Tampa Bay Buccaneers

88) which company sponsors Chelsea?

89) which company had majority holdings in Manchester united before it was bought?
      Cubic expressions [Owned by JP McManus and John Magnier]

90) what is famous about the owner of Fulham club's son?clue:he died in France
      Dodi Al Fayed, boyfriend of Princess Diana and son of Mohammad Al Fayed, owner of Fulham

91) Which car name translates as 'people's car?

92) From which country does the lambada dance originate?

93) What is the World's Number one Gourmet ice-cream brand ?

94) who is UK's biggest retailer?
     UK's biggest retailer is MARKS N SPENCER......U.S's biggest retailer is Walmart.

95) The name of which Japanese company literally means ’50 Bells’?

96) Who wrote the book 'Liar's Poker'?
Michael Lewis

97) US Vice President D Cheney used to be CEO of which company?

98) Who co-authored the book "Competing for the future" with C. K. Prahald?
 Gary Hamel

99) Who coined 80-20 principle?

100) Author of the book "Being Digital" ?
        Nicholas Negroponte