Reach out to explore the ultima of technology
The Event hosts three items1. Technocons (IT Quiz): The event has two rounds:
Round I: Online Screening
A Test will be conducted on online to all the participants on the fundamentals of Computer Logic
• Each college can send 5 teams with five participants in each team led by a team leader.
• The screening paper contains 5 tie-breaker questions. In case of any tie in the marks secured by the participants, only those participants who answered the tie-breaker questions shall be considered to go to the next round.
Round II: Quiz session
• The participants have to respond orally to the questions displayed on the LCD projector
• Rules of the Quiz shall be announced before the start of the Quiz session
2. Techkriti (Paper Presentation on the Emerging Trends in Information Technology)
• The participants should give their names and place of work/study by mail to the mail ID mentioned below or phone to the contact numbers provided in this brochure well in advance
• Each Technical paper should be presented by not more than TWO presenters
3. Techsavvy (Bug-free Programming)
• No restriction on the number of participants
• An inaccurate programme will be given and the participants are required to rectify the errors
• Time given will be 15 minutes. No extratime will be provided
• Registration fee: Rs. 100/- per participant for all events
• The decision of the judges is final and binding. No challenge or argument in any case will be entertained in this regard
• Certificates will be issued to all the participants
• Registration for participants without taking part in the events is Rs. 50/-
• Participants can register themselves on the mail id: or by contacting the following numbers on phone or meet in person on or before 12th April 2010 at the Department of Computer Science, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore
Contact Numbers: 9849065694, 9642057614