Business Quiz Questions with Answers: General Questions

General Questions

1) Name two movies distributed by Ronie Screwala's UTV?
    Lagaan, Mission Kashmir, Sarfarosh, Asoka, Hyderabad Blues, Phir Milenge ,Swades etc.

2) Who conceived the idea of ISB? Who was the dean? The founder headed which world 
    known company?
Rajat Gupta (McKinsey)  ,S.Ghoshal(Dean)

3) Indian contender (very strong one, really!!) for Papal election??
    Ivan Dias [Joseph Ratzinger from Germany is the new Pope]

4) This sporting event, the first edition of which was played at the Warehouseman's Cricket 
    Ground at Albert Park, is sponsored by Kia Motors. Which is it?
   The Australian Open

5) Kishore Kumar has modeled for one product, which one ?

6) On which TV channel now in India would you find a frog as the logo ?

7) During Clinton and Bush presidency fight, Clinton’s party came up with a 4 letter slogan,
     what was it?
    Its the economy stupid

8) What is a Dutch Auction?
    An auction method that uses a bidding process to find an optimal market price for the stock, the
    lowest price at which an issuing company can sell all the available shares

9) Who is Africa's richest man?
    Nicky Oppenheimer

10) can anyone list me the order of payment to the variety of stakeholders in a company 
     once it has been liquidated by a trustee?
i need the order, who gets paid first and who the last and the reasons listed alongside.

    Logically the creditors should get it first...
    unsecured creditors
    floating charge holders
    preferential creditors
   debenture holders

    then go the shareholders?
    preferential shareholders
   equity shareholders

11) Which Indian cricketer is the endorser of the world’s first state-of-the-art cell phone with
      harmless radiation? Also Name the company.
      Sachin Tendulkar, G-Hanz mobile phones

12) what is the original name of "lalitaji"-the surf fame "?
Kavita Chowdary

13) The 'A' series refers to sizes of paper like A3, A4 etc. What series describes the
      envelopes or folders that will enclose the A series ?
      size C..

14) Which Indian city was the first to have lager number of cell phones than landline 
      phones?(now. whole India has more cell phones than landlines)

15) Who wrote the book Liar's poker?
      Michael Lewis

16) James Bond is supposed to be an employee of which company?
      her majesty's secret service / Mi6!!

17) Who are the sponsors of Zimbabwe n South African cricket team?
      Bata(Zimbabwe) MTN-- South African

18) Which product was first certified by ISI?
Indian National Flag

19) Which car in Spanish means 'Charming'?

20) Which famous 'rehab center' had the text "Welcome home, welcome to xxxxx", where 
      xxxxx is its name?
 well this rehab center is the prison, on which is based the lovely movie The Rock , its name is Alcatraz

21) Which US prez was part of a publication group? acn u name that?

22) In Calcutta, Tata Indica have been converted into AC taxis. What are they called?
 Blue Arrow

23) In management jargon, if you have heard of IQ and EQ, then what is SQ?
      SQ - Spiritual Quotient

24)Which company is the sponsor for all cricket umpires??
Emirates (

25) ABCL is coming back with which film?
     Ranveer has been put on hold...It will be Ajnabi now..(*ing bigb n dia)..others include Viruddh   
    and Family

26) Which word connected to stock exchange has its origin from Latin for 'money bag'

27) Who is voted as the most influential person of ALL TIMES?
     Muhammad [Preacher of Islam]
     Jesus Christ comes 2nd...

28) Which was the first building in the world to have air cooling system & when?
The British Parliament in 1837

29) On August 4,1922 the entire telephone system of US & Canada was switched off. What
       was the reason?
Alexander Graham Bell died.

30) What does "sheep" mean in Stock Market?
     The sheep in stock market is the one who follows the leader.

31) Cine personality to be appointed as the UNICEF icon for child health--
Angelina Jolie

32) What was marketed as Indian version of the blue pill- Viagra

33) What is Built-operate-Transfer (BOT)?
Its a model in which u build a firm, operate it for some time n then sell it to a big shot   
      firm. example --- DAKSH sold to IBM

34) What is Paris Club?
The Paris Club is an informal group of official creditors whose role is to find co-ordinated and
      sustainable solutions to the payment difficulties experienced by debtor nations. Paris Club
      creditors agree to rescheduling debts due to them. Rescheduling is a means of providing a
      country with debt relief through a postponement and, in the case of concessional rescheduling,
      a reduction in debt service obligations. The first meeting with a debtor country was in 1956
      when Argentina agreed to meet its public creditors in Paris.

35) Who is the only Indian American US congressman?
      Dalip Singh Daund

36) Youngest man in Union cabinet—
      Anbumani Ramadoss

37) What is dead-weight debt?
Debt without security

38) BSE is located on Dalal Street. On what street is the London Stock Exchange located?
Lombard Street

39) Which is the official beer of Manchester United club?

40) What is the term given to focusing the camera on beautiful young ladies in between
      sports events?
 Virgins tour

41) specifically, which international cricket team was referred to as "white ferns"
New Zealand women’s cricket team

42) whose biography is "songs my mama taught me"
      Celina Dion

43) 'grease' made john travolta a star. who was he paired against?
Olivia Newton John

44) before beauty crowns and movies lara dutta first faced camera in an obscured video of
     an even more obscure song "tuu chalu hai re" who sung it?
Devang Patel

45) zizou or zinedine zidane is the son of immigrants. from where did his parents immigrate
     to France?

46) Name the new movie produced by ShahRukh Khan?

47) In B-school lingo, who are “poets”?
The poets are people without business or quantitative backgrounds

48) The Mughal Emperor gave East Indian Company the privilege of 'dastak'. What does
      'dastak' mean?
The ability to import and export good without paying any taxes

49) Where is Bay Street located?(Hint: Similar to Wall street)
Toronto, Canada

50) If something is accredited with AMBA , what would be that ?
AMBA is an international organization that accredits mostly international elite business schools
     and MBAs, similar to the AACSB in the US. EQUIS is the European counterpart for the same .

51) Which product get its name from its contents phenol-synthetic ?(Hint: Toiletries)
Cinthol--Cinthol is made up of synthetic phenol hence the name Cinthol that makes it  
Vegetarian, and hence to make it distinguishable this name was adapted. and so much so that it has become a super brand..

52) Every body knows last supper but do you know what is "first supper"?
       First Supper – it is the first dinner paid by Macnamra with Diners Club Card of Diners Club

53) who has come on the playboy magazine cover the max n how many times?
      Pamela Anderson , with 11 covers to her name

54) Who invented the small alkaline battery?
Lew Urry [in 1949]

55) Who coined the term 'battery'?
Benjamin Franklin [in1748 ] first coined the term "battery" to describe an array of charged glass 

56) Which is the most common space battery?

57) Which Godman of Indian origin was famous for his collection of Rolls-Royce cars?

58) In which Sherlock Holmes' story does the detective let go the criminal and says to Dr
      Watson " is the season of forgiveness."[the case began "upon the second morning
     After Christmas"]?
The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

59) Whose birthday is celebrated throughout the world on 25th January?
Robert Burns

60) On what road did Nellie the Elephant meet the Head of the Herd?

61) Which Instrument does the Leader of an Orchestra play?

62) Bewick and Whooper are types of what bird?

63) To which flower family does garlic belong?
The Allium family