SVU BIZ BEAM 2010: Young managers steal the show

Sri Venkateswara University BIZ BEAM 2010
March 29, 2010: The managers to-be proved their prowess at ‘BIZ BEAM 2010', the two-day management meet organised by Sri Venkateswara University's Department of Management Studies last week. As many as 1800 students converged from across south India for the colourful event.
                   In the inaugural session, Ved Purishwar, Director (Learning and Development) at Cognizant Technology Solutions, asked the government to spend hugely on education, research and training to make India a superpower. “We can be a super power by virtue of strong political leadership”, he noted and feared that Brazil, China and Russia could overtake a lethargic India in no time. In his personal interaction with the students, he appealed to them to look at development of the industry and the nation as a whole.
                 Vice-Chancellor N.Prabhakara Rao said the nation needed sharp brains to perform exceedingly well to overcome the effects of recession, while Registrar J.Pratap Reddy spoke on developing innovation and creativity. Principal T.Siddiah expressed concern over the poor percentage of employability among MBA graduates, while Biz Beam coordinator M.Sureesh Baabu enlisted the event objectives. Prof.B.Sivaraj from B.N.Bahadur Institute of Management Studies, Mysore, askedstudents to keep an ear to the ground. MSME meet
The Department of Commerce conducted a national seminar on ‘Micro, small and medium enterprises in the global scenario', in which V.Gangadhar, Vice-Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University (Nalgonda), hailed globalization as a process integrating various economies without creating hindrances in the free flow of goods/services, technology, capital and manpower.
                  Seminar director B.Mohan, Deans Shirin Rathore (Delhi University) and K.Eresi (Bangalore University) laid stress on taking up micro-level studies.
In his valedictory address, former Vice-Chancellor P.Murali advised the department to take up continuing empirical studies on MSMEs so as to emerge as a “knowledge centre”. P.Purushotham Rao, Dean (Commerce), Osmania University presented case studies.